Monday, March 21, 2011

Hey, look! A new post!

This one is called "Economic insight from an idiot."  'Cos I'm an idiot.  I don't know anything about economics.

But it seems to me that the idea behind a free-market system is that competition is good: it makes companies innovative, which will on balance create good changes in terms of products, services, and prices of same.  But competition is messy and inefficient: The system ends up with a lot of duplicate work, R&D dead ends, and the like.  From the perspective of individual financial entities, inefficiency is waste, which should be eliminated.  So any individual company's motivation is to reduce competition.  Which is counter to the basic notions of a free-market economy.

Our free-market system has anti-monopoly, anti-trust, and (I think) anti-oligarchy laws to try and keep this inherent contradiction in check.  So here's hoping that those keep working out okay.