Thursday, July 15, 2010

In the garden

Apparently, a lot of the food we eat comes off of plants.  All I'm saying is, if somebody had told me when I was 9 that apples were just the birth sacs of apple trees, I'd have eaten a lot fewer apples.

Since we have space, we decided we would plant our own plants, some of them for eating, some of them just for looking pretty.  At a first go, we decided to plant tomatoes (which I love, but C. only really likes in sauces), green peppers which C.'s mom gave us (which I love, but C. doesn't really like), green beans (which we are both very fond of), and raspberries (who doesn't love raspberries?).  Preliminary results are in:

We've done okay at the tomatoes.  We were concerned that we got the seedlings into the ground too late, but they look like they may do all right, after all.  They're starting a little late, I think, but you can see a tomato nub, there in the center of the picture.

The peppers are a mixed bag. The green pepper plant is doing terribly. (None of my "manky leaf" pictures turned out.) The orange pepper plant has a little pepper on it.

After a few false starts and two raspberry plants left for dead, we have a flourishing raspberry plant. No raspberries this year, but maybe next.

This next picture is of the place where the green beans entirely failed to come up. No, it didn't look like that when we planted the beans.

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